.. _ref_ugv_devkit_livox_mid360_imu_extension_v1.1: ***************************************** UGV Devkit - Livox Mid360 + IMU Extension ***************************************** Revision History ================ +----------+-------------------+-------------+------------------------+ | Revision | Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Author | Changes | +==========+===================+=============+========================+ | 1 | 16/05/2024 | WR Dev Team | Initial release | +----------+-------------------+-------------+------------------------+ This extension module for the UGV development kit consists of a Livox Mid360 LiDAR sensor and an IMU sensor. It is designed to provide a cost-effective solution for mobile robot 3D navigation and obstacle avoidance. Key Specifications ================== * Livox Mid-360 LiDAR * Laser safety: Class 1 * Detection range (@100 klx) * 40 m @ 10% reflectivity * 70 m @ 80% reflectivity * FOV: Horizontal: 360°, Vertical: -7°~52° * Range precision: ≤ 2cm (@10m), ≤ 3cm (@0.2m) * Angular precision: < 0.15º * Frame rate: 10Hz (typical) * Data port: 100 BASE-TX Ethernet * Data synchronization: IEEE 1588-2008 (PTPv2), GPS * IMU sensor * Output data * Calibrated data from 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis magnetometer * Orientation in quaternion (up to 500Hz) * Accelerometer * Range: ±16g * Resolution: 0.001g * Gyroscope * Range: ±2000°/s * Resolution: 0.001°/s * Magnetometer * Range: ±8 Gauss * Resolution: 0.25 Gauss * Fusion performance: * Pitch/roll (static): 0.1° * Pitch/roll (dynamic): 0.1° * Heading drift (static, 6DOF): 0.12°/h * Heading drift (dynamic, 6DOF): < 5° * Communication interface: RS232 Reference Frames ================ The reference frames for the Livox Mid-360 lidar and IMU sensor follow the Right Hand Rule convention and are point cloud-centric frames of reference. They also follow Robotics convention with the X-axis pointing forwards. The Cartesian coordinates O-XYZ of the components are defined as below: Point O of the Top Plate is the origin, and O-XYZ is the point cloud coordinates of the module. .. image:: ../figures/reference_frames_simplified_view.png :width: 960 px :class: largepadding **Relationship between sensors** Taking the Top Plate as the reference link for this extension, the relative position of the IMU Sensor and Lidar are as follows: * IMU Sensor: x= 35.4mm, y: 0.0mm, z: 21.3mm * Lidar: x= 35.4mm, y: 0.0mm, z: 65.4mm .. image:: ../figures/top_side_views.png :width: 720 px :class: largepadding .. note:: Do note that the Lidar has an additional integrated IMU chip (with a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope). More information can be found `here `_