.. _ref_ugv_devkit_vision_extension: ***************************************** UGV Devkit - Vision Extension ***************************************** Revision History ================ +----------+-------------------+-------------+------------------------+ | Revision | Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Author | Changes | +==========+===================+=============+========================+ | 1 | 10/08/2024 | WR Dev Team | Initial release | +----------+-------------------+-------------+------------------------+ This sensor kit or extension module for the UGV development kit provides a layer to install multiple types of cameras, namely the Intel® RealSense™ Depth camera as well as an RGB camera. It is designed to provide a base for teleoperation function as well as improved perception ability for your set up. This kit consists of a Base Module where different camera types can be mounted in various combinations to the development kit. The camera modules are shown in the image below; .. image:: figures/base_module.png :width: 960 px :class: largepadding .. image:: figures/camera_modules.png :width: 960 px :class: largepadding Key Specifications ================== * Intel® RealSense™ D435i Depth camera * Camera module: Intel RealSense Module D430 + RGB Camera * Vision processor board: Intel RealSense Vision Processor D4 * Image sensor technology: Global Shutter * Ideal range: 0.3 m to 3 m * Depth * Depth technology: Stereoscopic * Minimum depth distance (Min Z) at max resolution: ~28 cm * Depth Accuracy: less 2% at 2m * Depth Field of View (FOV): 87° × 58° * Depth output resolution: Up to 1280 × 720 * Depth frame rate: Up to 90 fps * RGB * RGB frame resolution: 1920 × 1080 * RGB frame rate: 30 fps * RGB sensor technology: Rolling Shutter * RGB sensor FOV (H × V): 69° × 42° * RGB sensor resolution: 2 MP * RGB USB Camera * RGB camera (2.0mp)- with tilt function to adjust angle of lens * Sensor specification: 2.7inch * Frame rate: Up to 30fps * Resolution: Up to 1920 x 1080 * Sensor FOV: 135° * Video Codec(s): MJPG, YUY2, H.264 * Image sensor technology: Electronic rolling shutter/ Frame exposure * Operating voltage: 5V (USB 2.0 connection interface) As this is a modular kit, there are multiple configurations available for this kit. There are a total of 4 compartments in the Base Module, in which either camera module can be installed. Please refer to the images below for more information. .. image:: figures/orientation_of_modules.png :width: 960 px :class: largepadding Reference Frames ================ The reference frames for the cameras follow the Right Hand Rule convention and are point cloud-centric frames of reference. They also follow Robotics convention with the X-axis pointing forwards. The Cartesian coordinates O-XYZ of the components are defined as below: Point O of the Top Plate is the origin, and O-XYZ is the point cloud coordinates of the module. .. image:: figures/ref_frame_vision.png :width: 960 px :class: largepadding **Relationship between sensors** Taking the Top Plate as the reference link for this extension, the relative position of both cameras are provided in the table below based on the different possible configurations: .. image:: figures/vision_kit_relative_position_table.png :width: 720 px :class: largepadding .. note:: More information on the D435i Depth camera can be found `here `_