Operational Safety


Operating robotics equipment involves inherent risks, including potential harm to operators or bystanders if not handled properly. It is essential for all users, both new and experienced, to thoroughly read and understand the manufacturer’s documentation and receive proper training before operating any robotics machinery. Failure to comply with these precautions can result in severe injury or damage.

Operation Environment

Most robots contain batteries, motors, and other electrical components that can be hazardous if not handled properly. It is essential to operate the robot in a safe environment to prevent accidents and damage to the robot. The following guidelines should be followed when operating the robot:

  • Do not place the robot near heaters or heating elements

  • Do not use the robot in an environment with corrosive and flammable gases or combustible substances

  • Unless specially customized, the general robot models are not waterproof and shall not be operated in places with excessive humidity

Software Development

It’s recommend to put the robot on a stable stool/bench that lifts the robot up so that you don’t get unanticipated robot movement even when wrong motion commands are sent to the robot.


Keep the RC controller off when you’re not intending to control the robot. Mishandling of the remote controller may lead to unexpected robot movement and cause damage to the robot or its surrounding properties.